IMPOTENCE / Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual Dysfunction in Males

 The word “impotence” means want of sexual power, and in the male it implies that condition in which the man is unable to perform the sexual act effectively. It may be complete or partial. In Complete Erectile dysfunction, the man is completely unable to perform the marital act, while in partial erectile dysfunction, he may succeed in having more or less a complete erection, but seminal ejaculation occurs prematurely and the erection subsides long before the female has reached her climax.

Erectile dysfunction is not to be confounded with sterility, Sterility means barrenness or unproductiveness, an inability to impregnate a uterus.
Sterility is usually seen in persons suffering from impotency, but it may also exist in persons with full sexual power,

Impotency may be divided into three divisions:-
  1. Organic
  2. Functional
  3. Psychic

Organic Impotence:

Impotence originating from some organic (structural, anatomical) defects in the sexual organs or in the sexual nerve centers. This may be caused by:-
a)      A severe attack of mumps in children which may involve testicles too and thus hinder development causing atrophy.
b)      Removal of the testicles (castration) necessitated by an injury or other conditions is followed by complete impotence.
c)      The lower part of the spinal column, near the lumbar region, is connected with a group of nerves called the sexual plexus, which is concerned with the sexual organs, and any injury to this part may make one impotent. Injury to the cerebrum may also result in impotence.
d)      Hydrocele, Scrotal Hernia (varicocele) and Elephantiasis make the surrounding parts of the penis hypertrophied, and the penis enveloped by such huge mass of tissues is rendered unable to penetrate into the vagina.
e)      Unnatural means of sexual gratification and sodomy, prolonged involuntary seminal emission and senility cause sometimes such diminution in the size of the penis and testicles and distorts the shape of the penis in such a way as to make the man partially impotent.

                                       In the man the extremity of the penis called glans is highly sensitive to sexual feeling while in the female there are 3 such sensitive zones. They are the Clitoris, the Os Uteri, and the Vaginal Walls. These erotic zones are so constituted that they can sexually excited only by the rhythmic resistance and motion of a strong and normally sized male organ. This is not generally possible by an undersized and curved penis, which is the cause of impotence in some persons.

Organic impotence resulting from injuries to the male organs and cerebrum is almost incurable, while that arising from youthful indiscretions is curable to a great extent. The deformities of the sex organs and its dysfunction are to be treated by the rational way of treatment including properly indicated constitutional medicine, by taking nourishing diet, proper exercises and other adherence to Nature’s laws and avoid the causative factors.

Functional Impotence

It is a condition in which the man is rendered impotent due to a disturbed function of the sexual organs or the nervous system that controls sex. If seminal emission occurs too early before the erection is complete, or if the whole act is finished very soon, the man may be said to suffering from functional impotence.

Factors causing Functional Impotence:
  1. Excessive Masturbation
  2. Excessive Sexual Indulgence
  3. Sexually transmitted disease like Syphilis and Gonorrhoea
  4. Spermatorrhoea
  5. All causes which aid to undermine the general health: viz, taking tea, coffea, tobacco, alcohol, all kinds of drugs and stimulants.
  6. Suppression of sexual instinct; sexual excitements which are not satisfied for prolonged periods cause functional impotence,
  7. Frequent harbouring of lascivious ideas in the mind causes the cerebrum to send impulses to the erection centre, and this in turn send impulses to the penis as a result of which the penis gets engorged with blood. This chronic congestion and the frequent sending of impulses by the erection center must needs end in exhaustion of the erection centre causing functional impotence.

Psychic Impotence

Impotence due to mere psychological or mental factors are envisaged under this group. Any act or factor which can influence the imagination may lead to this condition. The more common factors are fear of venereal diseases, person who may addicted to unnatural or excessive indulgence.
     Treatment of this type of impotence should mainly be psychological. If this is properly done along with the administration of the indicated homoeopathic and ayurvedic remedy and adherence to Laws of Nature, a cure is possible.
      I would warm my reader against using any of the advertised patent rejuvenators, as the majority of these preparations contain some sort of stimulants, as Indian hemp, strychnine, alcohol, damiana etc..which though may be temporary benefit will in the long run do much harm. Like that, also the allopathic medicine such as Sildenafil, Taladafil etc..get some temporary benefit but produces harmful side effects including sudden loss of vision. As medicines, I would recommend only the use of homoeopathic or Ayurvedic medicines, selecting according to symptom-totality and that should be prepared and taken according to the strict ruled laid down in the literatures of both systems of medicines.